The Fuss
With Hank & Jess
Only on CGNU 97.1 FM
Letterkenny’s Community Radio
Good ‘n’ you radio. We’re not s’ bad.
Another Day
As we continue to work out the kinks here, please send us an email or leave a messages on things around Letterkenny you'd like us to talk about. I know there's plenty to do around town, let's hear...
Welcome, everyone, to The Fuss with Hank & Jess on CGNU 97.1 FM, Letterkenny's community radio station. We're slowing getting this website together and hope to have everything functional very...

The Fussers’
Okay…You can post now.
We've made it available for you to post stuff to the blog. Happy day. -Kara
The Fuss’ Feed
Want to get your question on the air with Hank & Jess?
Phone Number
705-710-4973 / 705-710-HYPE